Celebrating 60 years of manufacturing excellence, Precision Micro marked its anniversary with staff on Friday 16th September, welcoming a record number of new apprentices to the team and making a donation to the Firefighters Charity.
The new cohort of apprentices represents the next generation of photochemical etching specialists. Their apprenticeships will see them working alongside – and learning from – Precision Micro’s time served employees who are responsible for creating millions of precision etched components every year.
The company also presented the Firefighters Charity with a donation during their anniversary celebrations in recognition of the Fire Service’s role during a fire which broke out at Precision Micro in 2019.
To mark six decades of photochemical etching, Precision Micro also planted a fruit tree at its Fort Dunlop site and will be etching the spade used to break the ground with the names of its employees.
Mick Taylor, Commerical Director at Precision Micro, said: “Our 60th anniversary is a very proud moment for everybody in our business. We’ve come an incredibly long way in that time, but our ambitions for the future are even greater. Having already invested £5.1m upgrading our plant in the past 24-months, we’ve just signed off on a further £1.4m investment in new equipment to support a growing demand for etched components used in next generation green energy and electrification.
“Our team has played a vital role in the past few years, firstly planning and executing the relocation to our purpose built chemical etching facility in 2007, the business recovery activities following the fire in 2019 and, more recently, driving us through the challenges presented by Covid-19. That’s why it was so important to mark this anniversary, to thank the people who make Precision Micro what it is today and, together, look towards the bright future we’re building.”
Precision Micro began its operations in Birmingham, UK in 1962. Today, it is management-owned and based at Fort Dunlop where millions of high-quality precision etched components are manufactured every year. Specialising in parts for the automotive, aerospace, medical and energy sectors, Precision Micro supplies well-known brands around the world.
For more information about the history of Precision Micro, visit our about us page.
Biała księga wytrawiania chemicznego
Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób trawienie chemiczne może zapewnić większą elastyczność, oszczędność kosztów i oszczędność czasu w Twojej branży.
Pobierz białą księgęKomunikat prasowy18.09.2024