The photochemical etching process is ideal for producing intricate components. Often, the parts we manufacture have extremely tight tolerances and, as such, require etch tags to be added to the outer profile of the design to aid manufacture.
Etch tags, sometimes known as tabs or tie-ins, are threads of metal that are added to the component profile during tooling. The purpose of an etch tag is to allow components to be retained in the sheet during the etching process. They are often required where tolerances are tight, or when parts need subsequent electroplating or assembly.
Once manufactured, components can be supplied to customers tagged into the sheet or removed from the sheet and supplied individually. Subject to the component size, design or tolerance requirement, Precision Micro can offer components without tags; however, they are usually essential when the required tolerance is less than 15% of the metal thickness.
Precision Micro offers four types of etch tag which can be selected based on component geometry, thickness or application.
Protruding etch tags extend from the outer profile. They are the default choice for most components and do not affect the surface of the part.
Similar to protruding tags, half-etch protruding tags are partially etched in order to ensure easy removal of the component.
Recessed tags are used when a tag protrusion is not permitted, resulting in a small notch in the outer profile of the part.
Like recess tags, half-etch recess tags remove tag protrusion and aid component removal from the sheet.
Our experienced team can provide advice on the appropriate tag type and location for your design, and how they can be utilised to make production more cost-effective. Get in touch today
Biała księga wytrawiania chemicznego
Dowiedz się, w jaki sposób trawienie chemiczne może przezwyciężyć ograniczenia tradycyjnych technologii obróbki blach.