Aktualizacja dotycząca koronawirusa: blokada Anglii, listopad 2020 r.


Following the UK Government’s announcement of a month-long lockdown in England, which is expected to come into force on Thursday 5th November 2020 until Wednesday 2nd December 2020, we would like to reassure our customers that it is very much ‘business as usual’ at Precision Micro.

Business as usual

We continue to operate at full capacity with a full complement of staff and with safe working practices, including:

  • Home working for non-production-critical office-based staff
  • Regular hand washing and sanitising
  • Temperature checks
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • Social distancing and keeping interaction with others as short as possible
  • Back-to-back and side-by-side working where possible
  • Using protective screens to separate people wherever necessary

For full details about our coronavirus response, you can read more here.

Stay safe; stay well.

Precision Micro Ltd

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