Udany rok adaptacji do zmian

Precision Micro Ten artykuł został napisany przez:
Precision Micro  
Kategoria: Zakład, inwestycje i ludzie

2021 has been another year of adapting to change for everyone.

Despite the challenges this has presented, it has been a successful year for Precision Micro thanks to key investments, the hard work and resilience of our team and the incredible support of our customers.

2021 a year in review

Major investment following 2019 fire

This year saw the completion of the final stages of our recovery from a fire that occurred at our facility in Birmingham, UK in November 2019.

This £5.1 million reinstatement has increased capacity by 10% (with scope to expand further), the installation of nine new process machines and the creation of a new, state-of-the-art Quality Centre of Excellence.

We look forward to sharing a short video about the incident, our recovery and how our committed team pulled together to make this happen early in the new year.

Etch room reinstatement

Faster, smarter and more environmentally friendly

Investment in more modern equipment not only delivers faster prototyping and high volume production in shorter lead times but also provides environmental benefits as these machines run more efficiently and create less waste.

We feel it is important our stakeholders know that we are doing our best for the environment, and the investments we have made have resulted in various improvements across our business, including:

  • 51% reduction in etchant waste effluence
  • 31% reduction in wastewater
  • 25% reduction in packaging used
  • 97.4% of materials recycled

Etched parts in bags

Continuity of supply during uncertain times

A further initiative this year has seen us transition to a business that services its key customers from stock, rather than reacting to demand for repeat component orders.

This move has, and will continue to, mitigate the global shortages of raw materials that industry has seen due to Brexit and COVID. In short, we are investing on behalf of our customers to ensure they can continue to enjoy continuity of supply – all part of us providing fast, flexible and truly world-class service.

Enquire about our stock holding service

Christmas toys and gifts donation

It’s important at this time of year to remember those less fortunate than ourselves. For many, 2021 has been a tough year, which is why we have decided to use the costs normally associated with sending Christmas cards to buy toys and gifts for patients spending Christmas at Birmingham’s Children Hospital.

Learn more about Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity

And finally…

Precision Micro would like to thank you for your support over the past year once more and wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2022.

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